Prioritizing your goals

Shruti Karthick
2 min readApr 27, 2021
“Never quit. It is the easiest cop-out in the world. Set a goal and don’t quit until you attain it. When you do attain it, set another goal, and don’t quit until you reach it. Never quit.” –Bear Bryant

In the era of technology and open opportunities, we still fail to understand what a goal is to be. Everybody here is very well-known to this word. The word that never gives us a finite answer. Alas, we always end up being bewildered.
The solution for this word ‘Goal’ goes beyond infinity. The reason why I use the word infinity here is, it varies from person to person.
The young minds I see today have a rightful circumstance and chance to prove themselves. But in vain, I don’t see them utilizing it rightfully. Adding to the statement, before you list your goal, see if you are listing real goals or just including your routine jobs or imaginary stuff in your list of goals. Secondly, achieving goals is the way you can keep your life going and more fulfilling. And if you think chasing too many goals at a time is bad, having none is even worse.
Maybe I don’t have the age or experience to comment on goals. When I get to answer this question, honestly, even I was all in a fog state. Well, today, I would proudly say my dreams have got a vision. The words you read are those results. And yes, writing is just a piece of block in my career goal. When you have a life to enjoy and explore, there is no wrong with having too many goals.
Now, let me feed my ideology on how to prioritize your goals.
It’s pretty simple, have an analogy of your career goals and passion.
When you need to prioritize your goals, you must chalk out a plan that leads you in the right direction. If this is a small goal, set a deadline and if it is a bigger goal like having a professional position, work towards having desired qualifications. And yeah, make sure you mark your footprints on that field you choose. Your goals should set an inspiration for the upcoming generation.

With this piece of thought, I end my article. Thanks for reading this article. I would love to get your comments.

